Descriptive Cross-Sectional: Knowledge and Practices on Exclusive Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding among Postnatal Mothers at Brikama District Hospital
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Published: 27 December 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
The scientific benefits associated with breastfeeding a baby come in numbers and most of these benefits are couple with the societal or cultural norms that are relative to each community. It is crystal clear that adequate breastfeeding a child provide essential nutrients that ensure the proper growth of a child. The benefits range from health, cultural and economics and this is globally accepted. Although breast milk is known as source of nutrient to the infant and health beneficial to the mother, the ways and misconception by some mothers and communities impede the supply of these natural benefits. This study aimed at tapping information on knowledge and practices of exclusive breastfeeding& complementary feeding. A descriptive Cross-Sectional study design was used in this research. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected prospectively. The study includes 60% males and 40% and a total sample size of 30 infants was used in the study. The results showed that 13.33% of the infants were aged between 1-4weeks, 20% were aged between 1- 3months, 16.67% were aged between 4-6months, 23.33% were aged between 7-9months, 10% were aged between 10-12months, and 16.67% of infants were more than 12months of age. The study shows that majority (90%) of mothers were able to give the advantages of exclusive breastfeeding.
Keywords: Exclusive breastfeeding, adequate nutrition, complementary feeding

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How to Cite
Ousman Bajinka, Ida Jallow1saineyjanneh. (2018-12-27). "Descriptive Cross-Sectional: Knowledge and Practices on Exclusive Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding among Postnatal Mothers at Brikama District Hospital." *Volume 1*, 4, 50-58